关键字: 所属栏目:

To Foreignize or To Domesticate(2)

来源:不详  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-10 00:08:59   

4. How Are Metaphors Translated? 

The above methods, envisaged as guidelines for the translation students 
as well as the practical translators, are quite exhaustive of rendering 
the metaphor. Which of the methods of translation are actually domesticating 
and which ones foreignizing? In the following section I will cite some 
examples of metaphor translation from two translation textbooks, two dictionaries 
and two articles as the source for the analysis. 

4.1 Examples 

Examples are cited from: (1) E-C Translation Coursebook (1980) by Zhang 
Peiji (张培基) et al., (2) A Practical Coursebook in Translation Between 
English and Chinese (1996, revised edition) by Guo Zhuzhang (郭著章) et 
al., (3) The English-Chinese Dictionary (1993,Unabridged) by Lu Gusun (陆谷孙,chief 
editor), (4) Longman English-Chinese Dictionary of English Idioms (1995) 
by Li Yinhua (李荫华) et al. (revisers of translation), (5) "Free translation, 
literal translation and word-for-word translation" (1981) by Feng Shize 
(冯世则), and (6) "Pragmatics and translation" (1994) by He Ziran (何自然). 

Example 1 

But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling he’d surely lead us both to our 

但是我恨阪本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。 (Zhang,1980: 12)。 

(My back translation: But I ... he’d surely lead us to see our ancestors.) 

Example 2 

Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but 
in a few years, he  

was completely defeated.  


(Zhang,1980: 13) (Back translation: Hitler was armed to the teeth ...) 

Example 3 

He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then 
wiped away his  

crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. 

他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去他那鳄鱼的眼泪。 (Feng , 1981) 

(Back translation: He walked ... his crocodile tears ...) 

Example 4 

Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.  

山中没老虎,猴子称霸王。(Guo & Li, 1996: 183) 

(My back translation: The monkey reigns in the mountains when there is 
no tiger there.) 

Example 5 

Talk/Speak of the devil (and he will appear). 

说到曹操,曹操就到。(Lu, 1993: 463) 

(My back translation: Talk of Caocao, and he will appear.) 

Example 6 

Peter does annoy me, coming around here all the time. Oh, talk of the devil! 
That’s probably  

him at the door now. 

彼得真令我讨厌,老是到这儿来。哦,说鬼鬼到!在门口的可能就是他。(Li , 1995: 

(My back translation: ... Oh, speak of the devil, and he will appear.) 

Example 7 

One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 

一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 (Zhang, 162) 

(My back translation: One Buddhist monk carries water for himself, two 
monks carry water  

together, three monks have no water to drink.) 

Example 8 

Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard. 

据说家家户户至少也有一桩家丑。(Feng, 1981) 

(My back translation: Every family is said to ... family scandal.) 

Example 9 

A skeleton in the cupboard/ closet 

衣柜里的骷髅, 见不得人的事儿 (He, 1994) 

(My back translation: a skeleton in the closet, something not fit to be 

Example 10 

To carry coals to Newcastle 


注:"纽卡索" 是英国的一个产煤中心地,运煤到此是多余的事。 (Zhang, 1980:163-4) 

(My back translation: To carry coals to Newcastle, making an unnecessary 

Example 11 

The teenagers don’t invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket. 

青少年们不邀请鲍勃参加他们的聚会因为他是一个令人扫兴的人。(Zhang, 1980: 

(My back translation: The ... because he is a disappointment.) 

Example 12 

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she can do what 
she likes. 

她生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可以随心所欲。 (Zhang, 1980: 163) 

(My back translation: She was born in a wealthy family....) 

Example 13 

He who keeps company wtih the wolf will learn to howl" 

近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 (Guo, 1996: 183) 

(My back translation: He who touches vermillion will be reddened, and he 
who deals with  

ink will be blackened.) 

Example 14 

Great men are not always wise. 

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