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Teaching Plan──Life on the Go, Unit 9 Book 1A

来源:人民教育出版社  作者:佚名  更新时间:2006-06-02 02:15:01   

Activity 4.

Reading Comprehension (5 minutes intensive reading.)

Group work:

Read the passage for the second time.

Afterwards finish the forms provided before the second time reading.

I. Use the key words or phrases to fill in the forms.

II. Much more attention should be paid to the logical construction of the passage.

III. Understanding the title: Which is better: Life on the Go or Cellphones

Use video to make students undertand more about the title — Life on the Go

This video to be shown takes place in the subway, in which the office workers are rushing to the office. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with the subway. So people in the subway are busy dialing the office number to ask for a leave. Suddenly the subway is moving forwards. Most people are falling down to the floor because of the unexpected moving except a woman who is holding the grip in one hand, and at the same time she is calling her boss using her new MOBILE PHONE, which is one-hand access, one–button dialing & one really small piece. (39 seconds)

Activity 5.

Presentation: (6 minutes. Report what you have already got from the passage.)

Report & Information exchange

Group work:

Report what you have already got or retell the passage according to the key words and phrases in the forms. One in the group as a representative gives the report.

Activity 6.

Matching (3 minutes. Match the words with the proper definitions according to the context.)

Problem solving

Group work:

Students need to understand the correct meanings of the words in the passage.

4 students who deal with these problems together can reduce the difficulty of the problems.


Activity 7.

Discussion zone (10 Minutes. Show the third video to break the ice.)

Topics: The design of your own cellphone

The third video to be shown happens in the public bath house. Three men are reading newspapers in the steaming room. One of them gets a phone call and he uses his ring to answer it. Afterwards another phone call which is for one of the other two is coming. Then the man who needs to answer the phone call switches a button on one of his teeth and he goes. Of course the third man also gets the phone call, but he uses a very special and particular way ...(36 seconds)

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