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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  更新时间:2008-08-12 08:38:50   

   ①Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.(= Crusoe, who was full of fear, stared at the footprint.)克鲁索两眼订着脚印看,满心恐惧。
   ②He approached us, full of apologies.(= He ,who was full of apologies, approached us。)他满口道歉地向我们走过来。
   ③Helpless, we watched half a year’s food destroyed before our eyes.我们毫无办法,眼睁睁地看着半年的粮食给毁掉了。
   ④Flushed and breathless, she bounded in through the gate. 她满脸通红气喘吁吁从大门口跑了进来。
   ①Angry at the girl oversleeping, Mr Green went down to wake her up.(= Mr Green went down to wake her up because he was angry with her for oversleeping.)格林先生下去叫醒她是因为她睡过了头惹恼了格林。
   ②Glad to accept, Lin Tao nodded his agreement.(=Because he was glad to accept, Lin Tao nodded his agreement.)因为很乐意接受,林涛就点头同意了。
   ③Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.(=As he was afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.)由于害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。
   ④Eager to improve farming conditions, they tried out this new crop on a large area.(=As they were eager to improve farming conditions, they tried out the new crop on a large area.)由于急于改进耕作条件,就大面积地试种了这种新庄稼。
   ⑤Tom, very ill, sent for a doctor.(=As Tom was very ill, he sent for a doctor)因为汤姆病得很厉害,派人请医生去了。
   ①Ripe, these apples are sweet.(=When/If these apples are ripe, they are sweet.)熟了的时候这种苹果很甜。
   ②Enthusiastic, they are quite cooperative.(=When/If they are enthusiastic, they are cooperative. )热心的时候它们是很合作的。
   ③Happy, she sings an English song.(=When she is happy, she sings an English song.)她高兴的时候,就唱一首英语歌。
   ④Fresh from the oven, rolls are delicious(.=When they are fresh from the oven, rolls are delicious. )刚出炉的小面包很好吃。
   IV. 形容词或形容词短语可以作让步状语,常由一个形容词或连词or连接的两个或两个以上的并列形容词构成。一般位于句首,有时也可位于句中。
   ①Right or wrong, he always comes off worst in an argument because of his inability to speak coherently.(=Whether he is right or wrong, he always comes off worst because of his inability to speak coherently.)无论有理无理,由于他语言条理欠佳总是把事情弄得最糟。
   ②Wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.(=Whether it was wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.)不管天晴下雨他总是六点起床在公园里散散步。
   ③Every nation, big or small, should be equal.(=Whether it is big or small, every nation should be equal.)国家无论大小,都应一律平等。
   ④The two accidents, tragic, seemed natural enough. (=Though they were tragic, the two accidents seemed natural enough.)尽管两场事故损失惨重,然而是必然的。
   V. 形容词或形容词短语可以作状语,表示结果和状态等意义。它在句中的位置比较灵活。
   ①For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.她在那儿呆呆地站了一会儿,不敢相信刚才发生的事情。
   ②One woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds.有一位女人醒着躺在床上,静听着那疾驰而过的大风。
   ③They stayed in the snow for several days, cold and hungry.他们在雪地里呆了几天,又冷又饿。
   ④They broke into the uncle’s bed room and found the man lying on the floor, dead.它们强行冲进叔叔的卧室,发现那个人躺在地板上,已经死了。
   VI. 形容词或形容词短语可以作状语, 表示说话人的态度和看法。它通常位于句首。
   ①Strange, he should have done such a thing.很奇怪,他居然做出了这样的事情

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