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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  更新时间:2008-08-12 08:42:16   

    (3)催化迁移不断求新——教师不应该等待学生旧知识技能向新的迁移,或者任其自然。催化迁移才能促进新知识的产生和新行为的形成。例如,学生学习定语从句一段时间以后,我就利用现有教材或随时补充,进行点拨,引导学生掌握the thing which he said...,the book he bought...,the disease which the soldier was suffering from...等结构,并把这种旧的认知结构运用到what从句中去,逐步形成识别、发展和组合what从句的技能,对他们今后独立学习有较大的帮助。再如,我写了一首押韵小诗,介绍给学生,目的是催化day /dei/对ay, ai读音的迁移并创造性地用于今后对新单词的朗读中。小诗如下:

is my birthday,
    It is not a weekday,
    It is a fine day in May,
    What a beautiful day,
    Let's go out and play,
    I have every day like today.
    (4)发散思维提倡多变——培养学生从多方面思考寻求变异,以达到扩展和深化的目的。在课堂活动中,我鼓励学生用不同方式表达意义。其中,句型转换是一种激发学生发散思维的好形式。每当这时,我总是鼓励学生尽可能多地参加实践,想出尽可能多的转换形式。例如,I have some difficulty in pronouncing these words.可以转换成:
    a. I can't pronounce these words easily.
    b. I have some trouble in pronouncing these words.
    C .It is difficult/hard for me to pronounce these words.
    d. I find it difficult to pronounce these words.
    e. I find it not easy to pronounce these words.
    f. The pronunciation of these words is difficult, I think.
    g. The pronunciation of these words seems to be difficult to me.
    h. It seems to me that these words are difficult to pronounce.

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