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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  更新时间:2008-08-12 08:39:01   

夸克等人在他们的英语语法巨著A Comprehensive Grammar ofthe English Language(1985)中提出了链接 动词(catenative verbs)和链接动词结构这两个语法术语。他们把appear,seem,fail,happen,tend, turn out 等动词和不定式符号一起叫做链接动词,把链接动词和动词不定式连用这种结构叫做链接动词结构。例如:
    He seemed to know the answer to the question.
    I happened to meet him in the street yesterday afternoon.
    在这两个句子中,seemed to和happened to都是链接动词,seemed to know和happened to meet则都是链 接动词结构。
    链接动词结构是一个不可分割的整体,是整个句子的谓语部分。我们把seem,happen等动词和不定式连在一 起看作整个句子的谓语部分是由含链接动词结构句子的自身特点所决定的。下面我们来看一个英语句子:
    Sam appeared to realize the importance of the matter.
    在分析这个句子时,如果我们把appeared和to realize切分成两个部分,将appeared看作谓语动词,将to
    realize看作另一个语法成分,这样to realize的语法成分就说不清楚了,因为它不可能是谓语动词的宾语, 不可能是修饰谓语动词的状语,也不可能是主语补足语。但是,如果把appeared to realize这个不可分割的整 体看作是句子的谓语,把the importance of the matter看成是该谓语的宾语,这样问题便迎刃而解了。
    John seemed to be coming.
    Sam happened to fall.
    这两个句子语法上的主语是John和Sam,但我们不能用通常的方法问"Who seemed?""Who happened?"因为这 两个句子中seemed,happened的意思都不完整。这两个问句应该分别接to be coming和to fall,即"Who seeme d to be coming?""Who happened to fall?"这就是说,链接动词结构中的主要动词,只是句子谓语的一部分, 该动词单独不能作句子的谓语。
    Sam failed to realize the importance of the matter.
    Did Sam fail to realize the importance of the matter?
    Sam didn't fail to realize the importance of the matter.
    The importance of the matter failed to be realized by Sam.
    在被动结构中,链接动词failed to不象主要动词,而象情态动词。
    含链接动词结构的句子可以被转换成被动结构,但这并不是说所有含链接动词结构的句子都有其相应的被 动结构形式,有些含链接动词结构的句子是没有相应的被动结构形式的。例如:
    The writer managed to finish his book within two years.
    The player tends to pitch the ball too high.
    这两个句子中managed to finish和tends to pitch都是链接动词结构,但这两个句子都没有相应被动结构 形式。含链接动词结构中的句子能否转换成被动结构,与这种结构中的第一个动词有关。一般说来,如果该动 词的动作受句子主语支配,含由这种动词组成的链接动词结构的句子不能转换成被动结构;如果该动词的动作 不受句子主语的支配,含这种动词组成的链接动词结构的句子可以转换成被动结构。上述两例中的managed和t ends的动作分别受句子的主语the writer和the player的支配,故这两个句子不能被转换成被动结构。请再看 下面两个句子:
    Helen got to know the truth of the matter.
    Helen happened to know the truth of the matter.
    这两个句子都是含链接动词结构的句子,但第一个句子中的got受主语Helen的支配,故没有相应的被动结 构;第二个句子中的happened不受主语Helen的支配,故该句子可以被转换成被动结构:
    The truth of the mattetr happened to beknown by Helen.
    有些含链接动词结构的句子可以被转换成先行词it(anticipatory"it")引起的断裂句(cleft sentence)。 例如:
    She seems to have been to many countries→It seems thatshe has been to many countries.
    The news turned out to be true.→It turned out that thenews was true.
    They happened to hear her singing in the next room.→Ithappened that they heard her singing in the nextroom.
    He managed to get the chance.
    这个句子不能转换成先行词it引起的断裂句。据观察,一般说来能转换成被动结构的含链接动词结构的句 子通常能转换成先行词it引起的断裂句,不能转换成被动结构的含链接动词的句子通常不能转换成先行词it引 起的断裂句。但这也不是绝对的,有些含链接动词结构的句子有被动结构形式,但不能转换成先行词it引起的 断裂句。例如:
    Sam failed to realize the importance of the matter.
    这个句子可以转换成被动结构:The importance of the matterfailed to be realized by Sam.但不能转 换成:*It failed thatSam realized the importance of the matter.

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