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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  更新时间:2008-08-12 08:37:27   


一、明喻(simile) 是指将具有共同特征的两种事物加以对比,将一种事物比喻成另一种事物。常用的词有like, as…as等。明喻在教材中出现得最多。例如:

(l)It's more like a spear than anything else.与其说它象别的东西,倒不如说它更象梭标。

(2)Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth .慈悲如同甘露一样从天空降到大地。

(3)After a short time a line of bees fly to and from the hive like a thin stream.过了一会儿,一队蜜蜂像一条小溪一样来往于蜂巢飞行。

(4)The city seemed as quiet as a cemetery.这座城市如同墓地一样沉寂。

二、暗喻(metaphor) 它是根据两个事物间的共同特征,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物上,但说话者不直接点明,而要靠读者自己去意会,这种比喻是含蓄的,所以也称隐喻。例如 :

(1)The next two hours sped by in a whirl of happiness.接下来的两个小时在幸福的漩涡中飞逝。

(2)Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 有些书可供品尝,有些书可供吞食,还有一些少量的书可供咀嚼和消化。

三、双关语(pun) 它是指用同音异义或多义的词,一语双关,使语言诙谐幽默,饶有风趣,读来令人忍俊不禁。例如:

(1) Customer: Waiter.Will the pancakes be long?

Waiter: No, sir. Round.

(2)Customer: Have you got chicken's legs?

Waiter: No, sir. I always walk this way.

四、拟声法(onomatopoeia) 它是指用词语模拟客观事物的声音,以增强讲话或文字的实际音感。例如:

(1)Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper. On the roof of the school house, some pigeons were softly cooing… 除了老师的说话声和钢笔在纸上发出的沙沙声之外,(教室里)什么也听不见。校舍的屋顶上,几只鸽子在轻轻地“咕咕咕”叫着……

(2)Vargas pulled out his gun. Crack! The snake was blown to pieces. 瓦格斯拔出枪。砰!蛇被打成了碎片。

五、对句法(paralelism) 它是指把结构相同、意思密切相关的两个或几个句子排列起来,以增强语势,加深印象。对句法用于说理,可以把论点阐述得更严密透彻;用于抒情,可以把情感抒发得淋漓尽致。例如:

(l)I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚的红山上,昔日奴隶的儿子和昔日奴隶主的儿子,将能一起围坐在充满兄弟情谊的桌子旁……我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以他们的肤色、而是以他们的品格的优劣来评价他们的国度里。教育论文在线 http://www.lw26.com

(2)In the days when all these things are to be answered for , I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for ,I summon your brother ,the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately. 当所有这一切都要偿还的日子到来时,我要叫你和你的家人,直到你们这个邪恶家族里的最后一个人来偿还这一切;当所有这一切都要偿还的日子到来时,我要叫你的弟弟——你们这个卑劣家族中最坏的一个,单独来偿还这一切。

六、夸张(hyperbole, 亦称exaggeration) 它是指用丰富的想象故意夸大事物的特征,使之言过其实,以增强表达效果。例如:

(l)I'm tired to death. 我累死了。

(2)You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now.现在,你得一天上百次地看表了。

七、委婉(euphemism) 它指的是用婉转的话语来代替刺耳或个人不快的说法。例如:

(1) Dr.Manatte had been mentally disturbed by his long years alone in prison and his hair had turned white.由于被单独囚禁多年,莫奈特医生精神失常,头发花白。

(2)Where's the nearest men's room?

(3)Then you'll see the sign for the rest room.

这两句话中的men's room,rest room均指厕所。

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